
    Film Crew Credit Shot Blast Media

    Let the cameras roll

    Video is one of the most effective ways of providing a safety induction and training, and interactive elements like quizzes and decision-making choices can reinforce learning and knowledge retention.

    By Madeleine Goddard, Shot Blast Media on 17 January 2024

    Keep Guards On 1996 Min

    Stick ’em up! the art of the safety poster

    There are murmurings that the humble safety poster could be having a moment. So what makes for a powerful poster?

    By Belinda Liversedge on 06 July 2023

    Phil Pinnington

    Grab their attention

    Health and safety practitioners need to adapt their communication methods to suit the audience, otherwise important messages risk getting lost.

    By Phil Pinnington on 23 May 2022

    Radical simplicity

    I think most of us agree that reality is complex. Whether we are trying to understand work, politics or health, the world we live within is a vertiginous mix of ideas and structure, the past and the present and millions of individuals, each with their own idea of how the world should be.

    By Mike Robinson FCA on 01 April 2019