Mates in Mind

    Mental Health Support at Work iStock Kobus Louw

    Future mental health support at work will be tailored to individuals and based on data

    Mental health support in workplaces of the future is likely to be much more tailored to individual employees’ needs, based on data collected about each person, and will recognise the increasingly blurred boundary between work and home life.

    By Kerry Reals on 02 May 2024

    Istock 1069249372 Credit Skynesher

    Self-employed construction workers need better mental health support

    The health, safety and wellbeing of construction workers has been a focus of government and employer attention in recent years because of its critical importance to preventing accidents. A sign of the success of this focus is that fatal incidents in the sector are now at their lowest level.

    By Sarah Meek and Stephen Bevan on 15 March 2022

    Attractive Couple SMLL (2)

    Safety’s night of the year

    Swapping hi-vis jackets for black tie and ballgowns, over 500 health and safety professionals arrived in style at Grosvenor House Hotel in London for a night of entertainment, dinner and dancing.

    By on 01 May 2019