air quality

    Air Conditioning Unit iStock Kira Tan

    Clean indoor air in public buildings: can this be achieved?

    Despite decades of effort by many experts and a large body of evidence about the scale of the problem, the topic of indoor air quality (IAQ) in public buildings has attracted little attention beyond readers of professional journals where papers on indoor air pollution and its impacts are published. The Covid-19 pandemic changed this.

    By Professor Lidia Morawska, Queensland University of Technology on 12 June 2024

    Air Pollution Image iStock Oversnap

    Improving air quality, now and in the future

    As a member of the Healthy Air Coalition, CIEH has argued for the UK Government and devolved nations to adopt more ambitious air quality targets that meet WHO air quality guidelines, and implement a holistic regulatory framework that supports local authorities with the capacity to enforce air quality targets.

    By Matthew Clark, CIEH on 10 June 2024

    Cyclist Wearing Mask and Bus iStock LeoPatrizi

    Key steps along the pathway to reducing air pollution from road transport

    Having long campaigned on the dangers of air pollution, and as chairman of the Westminster Commission for Road Air Quality (WCRAQ) and vice chair of the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) on Air Pollution, it’s clear to me that there are a number of necessary steps that the UK Government and institutions need to take in order to tackle the increasingly urgent issue of air pollution from road transport.

    By Barry Sheerman on 05 June 2024

    Ella Roberta

    The simple steps we can take to stem the hidden danger of indoor air pollution

    It’s a simple, obvious truth: the cleaner the air we breathe, the healthier we are. Yet, most of us are inhaling pollution out in the streets as well as in the safety of our homes, offices, schools, hospitals and other buildings – without realising the damage it is causing to our health, nor that there are quick, easy solutions to clean the air and strengthen the health of our communities.

    By Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah CBE, Ella Roberta Foundation on 30 May 2024

    Idling Action London Logo Blue 500 Wide Min

    Why your business should act on engine idling

    By Jack Alexander, project officer, Idling Action London on 01 October 2021