engineered stone

    Engineered Stone Cutting iStock Cagkansayin

    Engineered stone worktops and silicosis: a challenging problem

    The sudden and alarming appearance of silicosis cases among engineered stone workers in the UK, against the backdrop of a ban in Australia and in some US States, has suddenly brought the question of how to regulate for health protection in the workplace to the fore.

    By Kevin Bampton, BOHS on 04 September 2024

    Jim Shannon MP

    Silicosis – time to wake up

    Clinicians at the Royal Brompton hospital in London have warned about the dangers of silica exposure in a recent study published in Thorax. They are currently treating the first identified cases of silicosis caused by working with engineered stone in the UK and have called for a ban on artificial stone to ward off the potential for an increase in silicosis cases.

    By Jim Shannon MP on 04 September 2024