
    Stressed Nurse iStock SolStock

    Workplace pressures driving rise in suicidal thoughts among nurses: RCN

    A “significant rise” in the number of nurses in the UK experiencing suicidal thoughts is being driven by workplace pressures, according to new research from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN).

    By Kerry Reals on 06 June 2024

    Sillhouette Woman Depressed Med Istock Credit Simpson33

    Teaching union calls for HSE to include suicides in work-related deaths figures

    Teaching union NASUWT has reiterated calls for suicides to be included in the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE’s) annual figures on work-related deaths, and is calling for suicide prevention training to be provided for all school leaders.

    By Kerry Reals on 03 April 2024

    Newton Phil

    Work-related suicide: a complex picture

    Recent high-profile cases of suicide with an apparent link to work pressure provide a timely reminder of the need for employers to both reduce the risk of work-related stress and support the mental wellbeing of their teams.

    By Phil Newton, Pinsent Masons LLP on 06 October 2023