
    Keeping You Safe And Warm Transport Railway Night (1)

    A heads up

    New developments in safety helmet technology are helping to protect workers from traumatic brain injuries.

    By Chris Tidy on 13 April 2021

    Covid Istock Credit Blackjack3d

    Lighting the way out of Covid

    Ultraviolet light is a highly effective way of disinfecting equipment and surfaces to help control the spread of the coronavirus in buildings.

    By Jarek Salek on 13 April 2021

    National Grid 2 (1)

    Putting safety in everyone’s hands

    National Grid Metering’s gas engineers are empowered to stop work at any point on safety grounds, helping the company achieve a full year without a single lost-time injury.

    By Chris Cleveland on 13 April 2021

    Glow Back Istock 657429858 Credit Peopleimages

    Backs for the future

    Many people will be affected by musculoskeletal problems during their working life, but there are simple steps employers can take to help them to remain in work, therefore retaining valuable members of staff.

    By Karen Walker-Bone on 13 April 2021

    A safe return

    A thorough cleaning regime is vital to reduce the spread of Covid-19 as businesses begin to reopen.

    By Shaun Doak on 13 April 2021

    Card Fan 605X404

    The right card

    Smartcard technology is making it easier for construction site managers to check workers have the right qualifications, training and skills to work safely and in a competent manner, says Alan O’Neile.

    By Alan O’Neile on 23 March 2021

    Scaffold Tower

    Heading for the top

    Aluminium scaffold towers can provide safe access to awkward high areas, but it’s essential they are only designed, assembled and dismantled by qualified personnel.

    By Don Aers on 22 March 2021

    No Falls Foundation Logo

    Let’s not fall for it

    A new charity aims to prevent deadly falls from height by encouraging research into the behavioural changes needed to make work at height safer.

    By Hannah Williams on 16 March 2021

    No Smoking Istock Credit Jirawatp

    Turn smoking to ash

    It’s No Smoking day on 10 March. What can employers do to support workers to quit?

    By on 08 March 2021


    Sequencing the Covid genome safely

    Since late March 2020, the Wellcome Sanger Institute has sequenced the genetic code of the Covid-19 virus as part of the COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) initiative. The data generated is helping public health bodies to track the spread of the virus and save lives.

    By Belinda Liversedge on 08 March 2021