artificial intelligence

    Blue AI Figures iStock XH4D

    The impact of AI on health and safety prosecutions and sentencing

    From undertaking hazardous activities, to identifying and predicting risk, to continuous monitoring, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to bring about significant change in workplace health and safety, but not without associated implications for prosecution and sentencing.

    By Laura White and Sasha Jackson, Pinsent Masons on 12 June 2024

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    Why our world needs safety more than ever

    Our safety, in every sense of the word, is very much in the news right now. Whether it’s wars in Europe or the Middle East, threats from terrorism or rogue states, the need to keep children safe online, or violence faced by shop keepers, the numbers and level of threats to our safety seem to rise exponentially every day.

    By Mike Robinson FCA, British Safety Council on 30 April 2024

    AI Worker Image

    AI and worker wellbeing: a new risk for employers

    Data generated by machine learning and artificial intelligence at work looks set to play a huge role in boosting both worker health and safety and business productivity, but it’s vital that workers’ data used for algorithmic processing is handled lawfully, fairly and transparently.

    By David Sharp, International Workplace on 10 May 2024

    People Looking at Software iStock Jay Yuno

    EHS software: a vital tool for improving safety at work

    Environmental, safety and health software can greatly improve the management of EHS risks and bring wider business efficiencies, but it’s essential to select the right system – and ensure everyone buys into its correct and full implementation.

    By Emma Bundy, Yokogawa RAP on 10 May 2024

    AI Held in Hand EcoOnline

    AI: a powerful new tool for managing safety risks

    AI-driven technology is revolutionising the management of occupational safety and health, making it easier to spot hazards, predict unsafe behaviours and take preventative action to protect workers.

    By Robert Leech, EcoOnline on 29 April 2024

    Artificial Intelligence iStock Khanchit Khirisutchalual

    Pressure mounts on UK Government to protect jobs while harnessing benefits of AI

    Government policy will determine whether artificial intelligence (AI) displaces up to eight million UK jobs or brings significant wage and economic gains, the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has said in a recent report.

    By Kerry Reals on 02 April 2024

    Modjoul Smartbelt

    How wearable tech helps reduce MSD and collision risks

    Artificial intelligence and wearable technology can now be used to assess and provide feedback on the ergonomic risks posed by high impact and repetitive tasks, making it quicker and easier to identify ways of improving training and work processes to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries.

    By Graham Sharp, Stanley on 03 January 2024

    Hannah Burton

    AI in the workplace - health and safety friend or foe?

    With the use of AI in the workplace predicted to become widespread, it is vital that employers carefully manage any associated health and safety risks, such as negative health impacts from using AI to monitor people’s work rates.

    By Hannah Burton, Pinsent Masons LLP on 03 January 2024

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    Should we feel more excited or scared about AI? Or both!

    Recent world events have brought home just how lucky we are if we can expect to stay safe. Fortunately, most of us do not live in places like Gaza or Ukraine. But conflicts like these can spill over, with their ripples felt worldwide, not to mention the risks of nuclear escalation.

    By Mike Robinson FCA, British Safety Council on 07 November 2023

    AI Dashcam 1 V2 Credit Inseego

    Fleet and video telematics: why prevention is now key

    Advances in fleet and video telematics, increasingly powered by AI and machine vision, are making it much easier and quicker to spot, correct and therefore prevent unsafe driver behaviour, like speeding.

    By Steve Thomas, Inseego UK Ltd on 06 November 2023