
    Blue AI Figures iStock XH4D

    The impact of AI on health and safety prosecutions and sentencing

    From undertaking hazardous activities, to identifying and predicting risk, to continuous monitoring, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to bring about significant change in workplace health and safety, but not without associated implications for prosecution and sentencing.

    By Laura White and Sasha Jackson, Pinsent Masons on 12 June 2024

    Shop Worker with Body Worn Camera Reveal Media

    Purchasing body-worn cameras: 10 top tips

    Body-worn cameras can reduce the risk of violence and threats to staff by providing a deterrent effect and documentary evidence for pursuing aggressors, but it’s important to carefully consider issues like functionality, data storage and user training during the selection process.

    By Alasdair Field, Reveal Media on 13 May 2024

    Waitress in Cafe Peoplesafe

    Vulnerable workers: protection is key

    From working alone to commuting after hours, workers can be vulnerable to threats, aggression and harassment – but training and the right technology can help.

    By Naz Dossa, Peoplesafe on 13 May 2024

    AI Worker Image

    AI and worker wellbeing: a new risk for employers

    Data generated by machine learning and artificial intelligence at work looks set to play a huge role in boosting both worker health and safety and business productivity, but it’s vital that workers’ data used for algorithmic processing is handled lawfully, fairly and transparently.

    By David Sharp, International Workplace on 10 May 2024

    People Looking at Software iStock Jay Yuno

    EHS software: a vital tool for improving safety at work

    Environmental, safety and health software can greatly improve the management of EHS risks and bring wider business efficiencies, but it’s essential to select the right system – and ensure everyone buys into its correct and full implementation.

    By Emma Bundy, Yokogawa RAP on 10 May 2024

    AI Held in Hand EcoOnline

    AI: a powerful new tool for managing safety risks

    AI-driven technology is revolutionising the management of occupational safety and health, making it easier to spot hazards, predict unsafe behaviours and take preventative action to protect workers.

    By Robert Leech, EcoOnline on 29 April 2024

    Scared Woman on Phone iStock SensorSpot

    Lone worker monitoring technology: is it for safety or surveillance?

    As businesses make increasing use of safety monitoring to minimise the risks associated with lone working, consideration must be given to the impact on workers. Concerns that safety monitoring measures will be used for performance management purposes may well increase rather than alleviate health and safety risks.

    By Hayden Singh, Pinsent Masons on 03 May 2024

    Lone Worker Wind Turbines iStock BulentBaris

    Out in the field: why lone worker monitoring is key

    People working away from a fixed base out in the field may need to quickly summon assistance in an emergency, but it’s important to choose the right communications and alarm technology for their needs.

    By Rebecca Pick, Pick Protection on 26 April 2024

    Ear Protectors and Gloves iStock

    Why we need to harness new technology to prevent noise-induced hearing loss

    It is 50 years this year since I started an engineering apprenticeship with Black Country-based GKN Sankey, to be told upon walking into a very noisy high-speed blanking and piercing shop (with power presses running at 400 blows per minute), “don’t worry son, you’ll get used to it”.

    By Neal Hill, consultant and member of UKHCA on 11 March 2024

    Minuendo Hard Hats

    Why personalised noise monitoring is critical for preventing noise-induced hearing loss

    Intelligent hearing protection technology is now available that provides personalised data about an individual’s noise exposure, making it easier to both spot workers at greatest risk of hearing damage and identify ways of reducing noise exposure.

    By Neal Muggleton, Minuendo on 11 March 2024