
    Ray And Mavis

    A day in the life

    Raymond Nye worked as a shipwright apprentice in 1957. He recalls the shocking working conditions that would lead to his wife contracting mesothelioma off the dust on his overalls.

    By Ray Nye, Mavis Nye Foundation for mesothelioma victims on 07 December 2020

    James Tye Award Pic

    Safety – one kilometre at a time

    Transport Corporation of India (TCI Group) was awarded the James Tye award for its brave and imaginative initiative to raise awareness of road safety in India. Safety Management finds out more about the project.

    By Belinda Liversedge on 07 December 2020

    Nicole Vazquez 500 Min

    Lone working: has Covid-19 changed the rules?

    The huge growth in lone and home working driven by the pandemic means greater numbers of staff could be facing a higher risk of aggression from the public and work-related stress due to isolation from colleagues.

    By Nicole Vazquez, Director, Worthwhile Training on 01 December 2020

    Cfts 10 (1)

    A real examination

    Thorough examinations of forklift trucks are vital to ensure they remain safe to use.

    By Geoff Martin, chairman, CFTS on 19 November 2020

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    On the road

    Staff who drive as part of their work must be consulted on any rules designed to ensure safe driving, otherwise they will not be committed to following them.

    By Simon Turner, Driving for Better Business on 17 November 2020

    Scaffold Tower

    A head for heights

    Tower scaffolds are widely used for work at height, but they must be carefully selected and only erected and used by trained and competent people.

    By Don Aers on 19 October 2020

    Neal Stone 2

    Neal Stone: there is a case for unity

    Matthew Holder speaks to Neal Stone about the need for unity to resist a more dangerous world being thrust upon us. Neal is head of policy and governance at McOnie and served for many years as director of policy at the British Safety Council.

    By Belinda Liversedge on 13 October 2020


    Digging safely

    A free service exists so those carrying out excavation work can check for potentially dangerous underground cables and pipes.

    By Richard Broome on 12 October 2020


    It’s good to talk

    Safety practitioners must have good communication skills to get workers to ‘buy-in’ to health and safety, say recruitment specialists Shirley Parsons and Liam Tiddy.

    By Shirley Parsons and Liam Tiddy on 10 November 2020

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    Tough love speaks truth to power

    A UK-wide network of campaigners with a long history of calling out injustice at work, Hazards has stood almost alone during the pandemic in how they take on anyone they see as failing to uphold the safety of working people.

    By on 08 October 2020