
    Claire Mccartney CIPD

    Flexible working can boost people’s wellbeing

    Nearly two years on from the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic it’s fair to say that for some employees, working practices are remarkably different to anything they’ve experienced before.

    By Claire McCartney is Senior policy adviser at CIPD on 15 February 2022

    Food Delivery Istock 1287632111 (1)

    PPE at work – expansion of employers’ duties

    Health and safety obligations on employers are to be expanded as a result of planned changes to Great Britain’s (GB’s) Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (PPE Regulations).

    By Zoe Betts on 14 February 2022

    Rita Dove By Window Photo By Eduardo Montes Bradley (1)

    Can you take your whole self to work?

    “Take your whole self to work.” It’s a phrase you hear a lot these days. And an appealing one."

    By Samantha Peters on 07 February 2022

    Engineers Inspecting Turbine Istock 865668876 Aydinmutlu

    Renewables: time for a big push on safety

    The UK’s renewable energy sector is set for huge growth in the coming years, but there are worrying signs its health and safety performance is lagging behind.

    By Sue Ferns on 07 February 2022

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    Tune in, turn up or burn out?

    What leads to people ‘burning out’ at work, and is this at the root of the so-called ‘great resignation’ we’re seeing particularly in the US, but also here and elsewhere around the world?

    By Mike Robinson FCA on 04 January 2022

    Menopause Istock 458804423 Credit Nicolasmccomber

    Menopausal women need better support at work

    If anyone was still in doubt, the #MenopauseRevolution is truly upon us.

    By Carolyn Harris MP on 16 December 2021


    Active working: poor advice threatens progress

    We are sitting more than ever before – and our sedentary lives are having a big impact on both our mental health and long-term health.

    By Gavin Bradley on 14 December 2021

    Enviro Act Istock 1159052337 Credit Susanneschulz

    Environment Act can guide us to a cleaner and greener future

    In a historic move, the UK’s first dedicated Environment Act for nearly 30 years has become law.

    By Ruth Chambers on 13 December 2021

    Anna Fletcher (2)

    Covid-19 – some legal points to remember

    In a time of ongoing uncertainty, as we continue to weather the pandemic storm and the emergence of the Omicron variant of Covid-19, the overarching duty on employers to ensure that their employees (and others) are not exposed to health and safety risks has remained a constant.

    By Anna Fletcher on 08 December 2021

    Paddy Lillis Usdaw General Secretary

    Shopworkers deserve greater protection from violence

    Violence, threats and abuse against shopworkers has been a growing problem in recent years, which was made much worse by the coronavirus pandemic.

    By Paddy Lillis on 06 December 2021