
    Escooter Istock 1164496220 Credit Vgajic

    E-scooter deliveries – advice to takeaway

    E-scooters have become a common sight on UK roads over recent years. Not only are they used by individuals for short journeys or daily commutes, they are also now being ridden by takeaway drivers.

    By Ben Pepper on 17 November 2021

    James Tye With Esther Rantzen, B&W, 1980'S

    Standing up for those without a voice

    This month, our founder James Tye would have celebrated his 100th birthday, on 21 December. In fact, James died a quarter of a century ago, though his legacy endures to this day – both in terms of what he achieved in his lifetime and the way the British Safety Council continues to take forward what he began.

    By Mike Robinson on 09 November 2021

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    Business resilience and wellbeing

    Broadly speaking, resilience refers to an organisation’s ability to adapt quickly and respond well to a crisis. That means being prepared to deal with an unforeseen or predictable event. This could be anything from your superstar employee moving to your competitor, new legislation forcing you to make sweeping changes to your products, or a major global health or economic crisis, like Covid.

    By Mike Robinson FCA on 18 October 2021

    Sandra Kerr

    Why employers should take action on race equality at work

    In any given workplace, there’s a moment where a person can feel afraid to speak up. That moment of indecision is heightened for an employee who is Black, Asian, Mixed Race or of another ethnically diverse background. This can be challenging for allies too.

    By Sandra Kerr CBE on 12 October 2021

    Samantha Peters

    In praise of negativity

    “I wish there wasn’t so much emphasis on wellbeing at the moment.” That’s not really a phrase you expect to come across in conversation right now, is it? Surely, we want more emphasis not less? Naturally, I was a bit surprised to hear it from a friend.

    By Samantha Peters on 11 October 2021

    Barry Sheerman MP Credit UK Parliament

    Joined-up action needed to tackle air pollution

    It’s my belief that it is the inalienable right for every person, in the UK and around the world, to breathe clean, unpolluted, and safe air. However, actions being taken by the UK government and across industry are falling far short of overcoming this global challenge.

    By Barry Sheerman MP on 11 October 2021

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    Net zero and hydrogen: the possible regulatory landscape

    Working with any gas and gas appliances can be inherently risky and unsafe, if not managed correctly.

    By Emma Evans on 06 October 2021

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    Improving racial diversity in the workplace – a UK perspective

    Employers and various governments have known for some time that the UK needs to improve when it comes to having a more diverse workforce.

    By Paul McFarlane on 05 October 2021

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    Why your business should act on engine idling

    By Jack Alexander, project officer, Idling Action London on 01 October 2021

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    Brain injury in sport: why the House of Commons report falls short

    When a group of MPs (Members of Parliament) call for ‘precaution’ to address an unproven link between an exposure and a disease, it invites applause as well as healthy scepticism. Such a call prompts especially these two questions: (1) are the authors truly interpreting the science in a ‘precautionary’ way?; and (2) are they calling for specific action(s) that truly embody precaution?

    By Professor Adam Finkel, University of Michigan School of Public Health on 14 September 2021