
    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    Time to focus on workplace wellbeing

    The autumn of 2019 seems like a different age. When I spoke at our annual conference in October, I felt obliged to refer to Brexit, although the debate had wearied us all.

    By Mike Robinson on 10 August 2020

    Face Mask Istock Drazen Zigic LRGE

    Face coverings in public: an illogical minefield

    When Matt Hancock rose to address parliament on face coverings in mid-July, it followed weeks of speculation that eventually we would all be required to cover up to shop.

    By Rhian Greaves on 31 July 2020


    We can build back better

    As the July edition of the magazine goes to print the coronavirus lockdown is winding down and the long, hard road to recovery lies ahead of us.

    By Charles Pitt on 14 July 2020

    Lawrence Waterman, Chairman Of The British Safety Council

    Wellness or wellbeing – beware conspiracies!

    There is a strange part of the world of wellness that begins with podcasts and Instagram accounts about cooking with coconut oil and appointing life coaches, and ends with discussions about evil conspiracies linking vaccination programmes, Bill Gates, 5G and Covid-19.

    By Lawrence Waterman OBE on 13 July 2020

    Richard Thomas 3 002

    How to avoid the legal pitfalls

    Before the coronavirus outbreak, health and safety was often seen as additional ‘red-tape’. Now, employees returning to work after having been told by the government to stay at home for their own safety will have increased health and safety concerns.

    By Richard Thomas on 03 July 2020

    House Of Commons Small

    Change workplaces for good

    At the start of the coronavirus lockdown some political processes were put on ice, but as the crisis has evolved politics itself has heated up.

    By Charles Pitt on 07 June 2020

    Lawrence Waterman, Chairman Of The British Safety Council

    Be proud of our own contribution

    When sitting down to write on a current topic in workplace health and safety, it is impossible to block out the deafening roar from the COVID-19 pandemic.

    By Lawrence Waterman OBE on 07 April 2020

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    No space for shortcuts

    The recent news surrounding the tragic death of a 23-year-old contractor on a site in Lincoln in January 2020 has highlighted once more the risks associated with working in the construction industry.

    By Josh Hughes on 10 March 2020

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    Is the corporate manslaughter regime now redundant?

    There have been fewer than 30 convictions since the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act was introduced in 2007.

    By Simon Tingle on 09 March 2020

    Bush Fire At Captain Creek Central Queensland Australia

    Responding to a risky world

    2020 has started with some big risks high up in the news. From fires in Australia as a harbinger of the climate’s power, to violence in the Middle East and, closer to home, the risks involved in leaving the EU, it is these large risks that tend to dominate our attention.

    By on 03 February 2020