
    Woman Equality Loudhailer Illustration Istock 4 Lerbank

    Health and safety: still a man’s world?

    More women are joining the health and safety industry. But is change happening fast enough?

    By Belinda Liversedge on 06 March 2023

    Height Training MED (2)

    A step up

    Guidance has been published to make it easier to communicate the essential messages for safe working at height to designers, clients, managers, supervisors and workers.

    By Access Industry Forum on 01 March 2021

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    Listen up: why headphones pose a risk to workers’ hearing

    Workers could be damaging their hearing while wearing headphones for recreational use at work, so it’s vital that employers take action to control the risks.

    By Stephen Wheatley, UK Hearing Conservation Association on 01 March 2023

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    Managing office noise post-pandemic

    A noisy office can be a cause of stress but there are some simple workplace design adjustments that can help mitigate the impact.

    By Guy Osmond, Osmond Ergonomics on 01 March 2023

    Deborah Garlick

    Why it’s important to be a menopause friendly employer

    Creating an environment at work where everyone feels comfortable talking about menopause can make it easier for employees struggling with the symptoms to seek help and support from their managers.

    By Deborah Garlick, Henpicked: Menopause in the Workplace on 28 February 2023

    Operatives Checking A Tower Photo Credit Craig Gorton 1

    Get them inspected

    Mobile access towers are a common type of work at height equipment, but it’s essential they are regularly and properly inspected to ensure they are safe to use.

    By Don Aers, PASMA on 22 February 2023

    Tall Buildings Bsr Med Istock Credit Nirian

    The gateways to building safety

    A new ‘gateway’ approval process aims to ensure the safety of certain high-rise residential buildings in Britain.

    By Colin Blatchford-Brown, HSE on 21 February 2023

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    Are you ready for the next industrial revolution?

    New and emerging technology, such as collaborative robots that can work alongside or even independently of people, looks set to boost productivity and innovation, but may also pose new risks to workers’ health, safety and wellbeing.

    By Dr Julie Riggs, British Safety Council on 13 February 2023

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    Mental health in construction: building the next storey

    With rising numbers of suicides in construction, how is the industry responding to the crisis?

    By Belinda Liversedge on 08 February 2023

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    Let’s step up the talk and action on menopause and work

    A third of employers do not feel well equipped to support women going through the menopause, according to an Acas poll. This is by no means an isolated finding – a long tail of research reminds us that the menopause still sits low on the list of workplace priorities.

    By Simone Cheng, Acas on 01 February 2023