
    Stand Up Desk Osmond Ergonomics

    Sit-stand desks: avoid the pitfalls

    Sit-stand desks are a useful way of reducing sedentary behaviour at work, but it’s essential workers are trained to use them properly.

    By Guy Osmond, Osmond Ergonomics on 08 August 2022

    Gym Mat Exercises

    It’s time to move

    Home and office workers can be tempted to become less physically active, with major implications for their health, but simple steps like regular strength exercises can combat problems like muscle loss and a reduction in cardiovascular capacity.

    By Dr RS Bridger on 03 August 2022

    Stretch Med Istock Natabene

    Danger at the desk

    Exploring how employers can help manage musculoskeletal pain caused by sedentary desk working.

    By Belinda Liversedge on 02 August 2022

    Bullying Med Istock 641732586

    Beating the bullies

    Bullying can have a detrimental effect on an employee’s mental wellbeing, but there are ways of preventing it – such as creating a culture that prioritises staff wellbeing over performance.

    By Dr Sam Farley on 01 August 2022

    Remote Worker Computer

    Successful hybrid and flexible working: the right culture is key

    With the explosion in home working and dispersed workforces operating without a fixed workplace, it is more important than ever to support the mental wellbeing, engagement and performance of staff.

    By Chris Preston, The Culture Builders on 29 July 2022

    Minuendo Man With Jcbs Bkgd

    Cutting through the noise

    Advances in hearing protection technology are making it easier to warn workers in real-time to protect themselves from hearing damage – and spot those who could be at greatest risk.

    By Neal Muggleton, Minuendo on 26 July 2022

    Two Safety Profs Istock Med Lightfieldstudios

    Competence is crucial

    By selecting third-party certificated providers of fire safety services, a business can be confident they are getting competent help in managing fire risks.

    By Justin Maltby-Smith, BAFE Fire Safety Register on 22 July 2022

    Cable Strikes Istock Chiccododifc Med (1)

    Let’s make digging even safer

    Running a free search for underground pipes and cables to avoid dangerous utility strikes, is proving more popular than ever.

    By Richard Broome, LSBUD on 18 July 2022

    Grenfell Hope Istock Luan Mazieri

    Can post-Grenfell regulations make tall buildings safe again?

    It’s a beautiful day in June and fire safety professional, Russ Timpson should be on holiday, but he’s talking to me. This is because it’s also five years today, on 14 June, since the Grenfell fire exposed severe systemic failings and the industry has a lot to get done.

    By Belinda Liversedge on 04 July 2022

    Fire Safety

    UK fire and building safety laws and standards: more action needed

    In response to the Grenfell Tower fire of 2017, the Fire Safety Act 2021 was passed by UK Parliament, amending the Regulatory Reform Order (Fire Safety Order) 2005 to improve fire safety in English and Welsh residential buildings.

    By Jonathan O’Neill MBE, Fire Protection Association (FPA) on 04 July 2022