Safety Management health, safety, and wellbeing features

    Shard Dominates MED S Morris 1364

    Invisible polluted air, invisible workers

    Our campaign Time to Breathe, to be launched on 12 March, is looking to draw the attention of employers, policy makers and regulators to start taking seriously the risk of air pollution to the health of outdoor workers. We also offer Canairy, an innovative new mobile app, to help.

    By on 01 March 2019

    MAIN IMAGE Istock 957654516 Metamorworks

    Wearables to watch in 2019

    Wearable technologies are shaking up how we move, respond to and pre-empt the risks around us. No longer a simple hard hat and yellow jacket, the new breed of safety wear can give us virtual instructions, alert us to hazards and detect fatigue. Perhaps, as Ruby Wax predicted at last year’s Safety Expo, cortisol monitors will one day alert us to stress levels to prevent illness. In the meantime, this top-five list is based on new and influential technologies. Think of it as a fashion forecast for the safety professional.

    By on 01 March 2019

    Which Way SMLL Istock Narvikk


    As the Brexit story unfolds, more details will be known about future occupational safety and health regulations. It is therefore likely that some of the issues still uncertain at the time this magazine goes to press will be clearer in just a few days, when these pages reach you. Or not. Because if something we have learned through the Brexit process is that deferments and new scenarios have found a fertile territory in the public debate after 23 June 2016. Iris Cepero

    By on 01 March 2019

    View From Above Worker Morfous SMLL

    High risk; higher involvement

    Tips on creating a positive health and safety culture to mitigate hazards while working at height.

    By on 01 March 2019

    CE Marking SMLL Istock 480405466 Nirodesign

    Not the time for complacency

    Brexit could be an opportunity to toughen up on CE marking compliance writes Neil Hewitt, Arco

    By Neil Hewitt on 01 March 2019

    Istock 95017409 Med Credit Ir Stone

    These are times for more protections, not less

    It’s difficult to say right now how Brexit will affect any sector; we do not know the shape of Brexit, we do not know if it will be deal, or no deal. If there is a deal, we don’t as yet know the final outcome of any negotiation to come.

    By Katherine Dearden on 01 March 2019

    Eurostar Ensuring Consistent Standards Istock Mikeuk SMLL

    Ensuring consistent standards

    For over a century, British Standards Institution (BSI) has championed the values of transparency, collaboration and trust across borders through the adoption of best practice. The UK’s withdrawal from the European Union undoubtedly reinforces the importance of such shared values, and their ability to ease potential barriers to trade.

    By British Standards Institution on 01 March 2019

    HSE issues safety advice on bouncy castles

    HSE has issued revised safety guidance for those supplying, buying or hiring inflatable play equipment such as bouncy castles following several high-profile incidents in recent years where children have been killed and injured while playing on such equipment.

    By on 01 February 2019

    Demolition firm fined after worker cracks skull and second man breaks back in fall

    A demolition contractor has been fined £134,000 after two men fell 7m at a derelict nightclub, suffering serious injuries.

    By on 01 February 2019

    Nylacast fined £293k after flying part kills worker

    A manufacturer has been fined £293,000 after an employee was killed by a plastic part which hit him at 81mph in speed.

    By on 01 February 2019