
    Post Grenfell where are the changes?

    It is now almost two years since the tragic Grenfell tower fire and so an appropriate moment to reflect on the progress —or lack—on implementing subsequent measures to ensure that occupants of high-rise buildings not only feel safe but actually are safe within their homes.

    By David Parr on 17 July 2019

    Common tragedy

    There seems to be something hard-wired in all of us that we look after what we own.

    By Mike Robinson on 17 July 2019

    1984 George Orwell Graffito Placa De George Orwell Barcelona Spain SMLL

    Truth and honesty as the base for safe working

    There are obligations and responsibilities when operating as a charity that do not necessarily bear on every individual or organisation in the public eye.

    By Lawrence Waterman OBE on 11 July 2019

    Asbestos Workers During The First World War Q28241MED

    Climate change: learning from the asbestos story

    There can’t be many people with responsibility for or interest in workplace health and safety unaware of the risks to health from inhaling asbestos fibres, or of the terrible toll of thousands of lives shortened by the diseases caused including its unique cancer, mesothelioma.

    By Lawrence Waterman OBE on 01 June 2019

    Radical simplicity

    I think most of us agree that reality is complex. Whether we are trying to understand work, politics or health, the world we live within is a vertiginous mix of ideas and structure, the past and the present and millions of individuals, each with their own idea of how the world should be.

    By Mike Robinson FCA on 01 April 2019

    Lawrence Waterman, Chairman Of The British Safety Council

    Not a man’s world

    If you look in your purse or wallet, there’s a good chance you will find a picture of Jane Austen – the result of a campaign initiated and led by Caroline Criado-Perez OBE when Elizabeth Fry, the Victorian prison and social campaigner, was replaced by Winston Churchill on the £5 note, leaving only men’s images celebrating achievement. 

    By Lawrence Waterman obe on 01 April 2019

    Accentuating the positive!

    I have recently been involved in reviewing the applications for the British Safety Council’s International Safety Awards for 2019, which have attracted in excess of 550 submissions across all sectors and from the UK and other countries.

    By on 01 March 2019

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    Building an inclusive workforce

    There are many misconceptions around disability. Often people picture the familiar image of a wheelchair user and assume that disability must be present from birth.

    By on 01 March 2019

    Lawrence Article Image SMLL Istock Credit Ben Gingell

    For better, not for worse

    Unless you’re a political junkie or have been living on another planet in recent times, there is a sense of weariness about the apparently endless shenanigans surrounding the UK voting in a referendum to leave the world’s largest multicountry trading bloc and the way in which that is being haltingly translated into action by Members of Parliament.

    By Lawrence Waterman OBE on 01 March 2019

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    Control means the ability to regulate effectively

    For over four decades, the EU has been the final safety net for workers in the UK. With their rights enshrined in EU law they knew that whatever domestic government policy objectives, there was a minimum standard below which their rights could not fall. This has not only cemented employment laws, but also workplace, product and industrial safety.

    By Mike Clancy on 01 March 2019