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What is British Safety Council membership?

As one of the largest, most trusted corporate health, safety and wellbeing membership organisations in the world we work alongside our members to achieve the vision that no one should be injured or made ill through their work.

Our members are invited to work together to help drive best practice and influence health and safety policy through our sector interest groups as we continue to strive for excellence in workplace health, safety and wellbeing.

Who is it for?

Thousands of businesses ranging from small independent start-ups to large multinational organisations have put their trust in us for over 60 years. 

As a member you will have access to the latest expert guidance and information through our comprehensive conference programme, webinars, sector interest groups as well as exclusive discounts on selected products and services and much more. 

Why choose British Safety Council?

  • Membership Icons Commitment V2

    Demonstrate your commitment to health, safety and wellbeing

  • Membership Icons Stay Updated V1

    Stay updated on latest industry news and policy with monthly e-alerts

  • Membership Icons Tools And Resources V1

    Remain compliant with practical tools and resources

  • Membership Icons E Learning V1

    Encourage staff development with 100 e-learning places across 15 courses

  • Membership Icons Awards And Events V1

    Gain exclusive invitations and discounts on awards and events

Core membership benefits

Members gain access to our comprehensive suite of health, safety, environment and wellbeing resources, as well as exclusive invitations, discounts and recognition through our International Safety Awards scheme.

Customise your membership package by adding modules, and choosing a one, two or three year package. Multi-site discounts are available.

Member logo

100 free online e-learning licenses

Safety Management magazine

Exclusive discounts

Sector Interest Groups

Free Croner-i Navigate-Safety Lite

Weekly Croner-i eAlerts

Full membership benefits

Full membership includes all core membership benefits and the two membership module benefits listed below.

Advice module

Tools and templates module


Who can become a member of British Safety Council?

How much does membership cost?

Can I upgrade my membership?

What is included in the core membership package?

What is included in the Advice Module?

What is included in the Tools & Templates module?

What is Croner-i Navigate-Safety Complete (full version)?