Qualification |
Open Book Exam (OBE) |
Practical |
National General Certificate | NG1 – 24 hour exam |
NG2 – risk assessment |
International General Certificate | IG1 – 24 hour exam | IG2 – risk assessment |
Certificate in Fire Safety | FSC1 – 24 hour exam | FSC2 – fire risk assessment |
H&S Management for Construction | NC1 – 48 hour exam | N/A* |
* There is no separate risk assessment required for the Health and Safety Management for Construction qualification, a scenario-based risk assessment activity is included within the OBE.
Qualification grades are calculated based on the result in an OBE exam (you must also pass the practical for the General and Fire courses to achieve the qualification):
0% - 45% = Refer
45% - 64% = Pass
65% - 74% = Credit
75%+ = Distinction
Open Book Examinations
OBEs are scenario-based, requiring a student to apply information taught in their course to the scenario. OBEs are not necessarily easier than closed book examinations, and need a different approach to a traditional closed-book exam. Guidance on best practices for OBE exams can be found in your course materials and on the Study Support Hub.
You can check exam dates, prices and book your chosen NEBOSH OBE via the Learning Zone.
Practical Risk Assessments
Practical risk assessments are used for the General and Fire certificate courses to assess your ability to apply your learning practically in your workplace. You can book a practical assessment for the same month as an exam, or at a later date, the only requirement is that all assessments for a qualification must be successfully completed within 5 years. The submission date for practical's is 12 working days after that month’s OBE exam date.
Your practical can be completed in advance of booking and submitting, guidance and the template to use for your practical risk assessment can be found in your course materials and on the Study Support Hub.
You can check submission dates, prices and book your chosen practical via the Learning Zone.
The date booked is the submission date of your practical, to submit please email your completed submission to [email protected] by 17:00 (UK-time) on your submission date. You can submit your practical for marking earlier than the submission date, but you must have already booked your submission in order for this to be sent to NEBOSH for marking.
Please be aware that when enrolled on a practical by NEBOSH they will confirm the start of the submission period (the same date as an OBE exam) rather than the submission date set by the British Safety Council.
Results for the practical will be emailed to you by NEBOSH ~50 working days after the start of the submission period, if you have completed both the exam and practical in the same month you will get the results of both together.
Booking deadlines and amendments
NEBOSH assessments must be booked and paid for a minimum of 10 working days before the start of the scheduled exam/practical.
We are unable to amend bookings on assessments once you have been enrolled on an exam or practical by NEBOSH, if you require a change to a booking please contact [email protected].